Monday, August 3, 2009

I cry More

About my Marriage than he knows or does

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Things You Never noticed Before

A hard fact of life. Aging. If there's anyone out there That says it doesn’t bother them they’re lying. It’s a hard fact. When you’re young you take everything for granted. You just think nothing matters and you have all the time in the world but you don’t. I hate it. You start to see the softness of your skin disappear. Your hair isn’t as full and shiny. Your metabolism slows down and you can’t eat whatever you want anymore. You start to notice lines in your skin and you’re cheeks don’t have that childlike roundness. Yeah I know, I know, it’s totally depressing… I’m just all sorts of Debbie Downer right now Wah Wah Wahhhh

But seriously I hate it. I mean everything inside me screams Why? Why me? Sadly the sands of time stop for no one. The reason for this is Your mind gets stronger. And Hopefully as your outside package starts to deteriorate you inside … Your soul… Your spirit grows stronger. These are the first steps up to God.

And it’s hard parting with the flesh. But you don’t take the flesh with you when you go. And God’s preparing your soul for the journey. That’s why they say grandparents are wise. Cause Older people are closer to God. Or should be…

That’s why that saying “You can’t go home” rings so true. You can’t look back. Nothing stays the same and you can’t change that. You keep moving ahead ...forward and growing. Scary as this might sound... you're dying. Daily. Your body is dying. Sadly as with anything new it becomes used and falls apart. There are certain rules in life and age is one of them. You will grow old and you will die. Prepare yourself accept it gracefully. I can’t lie. I still hate it. I want to stay just as beautiful as I am right now always. But I already see the changes. Roses don’t stay red and lovely forever… I hate that and although I realize it for what it is, I still hate it.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Will Find My Zen Today

If it Kills me.... Ever have one of those days you wake up feeling like it's hard and you haven't even sat down at your desk yet? ... Yeah... exactly. Today is that day.

Monday, April 13, 2009

2 Things

That I'm certain are of God.
No doubt about it. Both replenish the soul. Water keeps you hydrated and sleep refreshes the mind. Both keep you young, healthy, and you'd probably live longer. And yet I drink hardly any water and I sleep very little. When am I going to learn? I mean think about it. Ever see people that don't sleep then load up on coffee? Brown teeth ...Haggared face... It's not cute.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

You dont need no church house
And you dont need no temple
You dont need no rosary beads or them books to read
To see that you have fallen
If you open up your heart
You will know what I mean
Weve been kept down so long
Someones thinking that were all green

My Sweet George

Thank you for showing me another side of Jesus Christ.

My First Post

I suppose everyone from my other blog will read this and I'm a little frightened I suppose. Kind of in the same way I'm frightened to put my art out there. Cause it's really standing in the street naked isn't it? But I suppose if you have to do it put your balls out there. Fonzie Sox is my regular blog but what most people don't really know and what a few people do not care to believe is I'm really spiritual. Like super spiritual. That being said...

I DO NOT want to be associated with bible thumpers and crazies.... I say if you're passionate about it great. But Please do not put me in a religion ... Although I do 100% believe in Jesus Christ.....I do not want to be singled out... I want no stereotype... All I hope is that people I encounter can take a even a crumb from what I give and use it to be good to others.

Life is such a struggle for me. And this year I decided I was not going to let bad element in anymore. I've found my zen for the rest of my life this year. 2008 was my rock bottom. This year is going to only be happiness and spreading happiness.

And I'm fully aware there are people reading this as with my other blog that hate me. I wish you find your peace too. I hope reading this helps you.